Wednesday, March 3, 2010

High Speed Railroading

Welcome to the community blog for High Speed Rail, with a focus on the Anaheim to Los Angeles segment of the project. There are plenty of blogs out there on this subject, most of them very good, and I will provide links for those I have found helpful. However, much of that information is related to northern California, where they caught wind of this along ago. Here in OC, this has been a well kept secret, and we are just now catching on, despite the fact that Anaheim to Los Angeles is promoted as the FURTHEST ALONG in terms of environmental work, and we are slated to be first to break ground for construction! So to get us started, here is a post from the OC Register, they are finally beginning to report on this project!

High-speed railroading, is more like it

March 1st, 2010, 9:44 am · 20 Comments · posted by Mark Landsbaum

Voters were conned when they approved $9 billion in bonds to be sold to build a high-speed rail line from down here to San Francisco. The first con was that $9 billion is a drop in the bucket when it comes to the real cost, which no one has agreed to pay yet.

But voters also were conned when they bought the idea that some how it will be cheaper and faster to use this rail system than it will be to fly. It won’t be. The costs will be comparable, and it will take you longer to take the train.

Here’s another con buried in the consequences: The Mercury News reports that the train could “steal about 6 million passengers each year from the three Bay Area airports combined.” That shouldn’t hurt that industry too much, huh?

The train is expected to be rolling along by 2020. Another con. Don’t stand at the station in 2020 waiting for your train. Not only will it cost far more than its originally predicted $42 billion, it won’t arrive by 2020.

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